How Can I Help My Dental Implants Stay Their Strongest?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — modernroswell @ 10:56 pm

Dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth because they imitate the appearance and structure of the real things from root to crown. They only require the same dental hygiene practices as natural teeth and can last for a lifetime with excellent care. However, they are not indestructible, and they can fail if the patient doesn’t properly maintain them. Here are a few tips to help you keep your dental implants in great shape for the long haul.

Practice Excellent Oral Hygiene

While dental implants are stain-resistant and immune to tooth decay, they still require a sturdy foundation to remain healthy and strong. Neglecting to brush and floss when you have dental implants can lead to gum disease, which is the leading cause of implant failure. To keep your implants in great shape, take care to do the following daily:

  • Brush: You should brush your teeth at least twice a day, once after waking and once before going to bed. Each brushing session should last about two minutes. Take care to gently polish each tooth with short, circular strokes.
  • Floss: Flossing is just as important to your oral health as brushing. Take care to brush at least once a day to eliminate plaque and food debris from places where a brush cannot reach.
  • Rinse: Antibacterial mouthwash kills more than 99.9% of germs on contact. Rinse with this once a day to prevent bacterial growth while making your breath minty and fresh.

Kick the Tobacco Habit

Tobacco use makes you more vulnerable to gum disease, making it horrible for your oral and overall health and a common reason for implants to fail. One of the side effects of nicotine is causing blood vessels to contract, making it harder for the gums to heal and fight infection. To make matters even worse, your gums harden to protect themselves whenever you inhale smoke. The stress of doing this frequently can exhaust them, causing them to atrophy and recede. It’s best to kick the tobacco habit a few months before undergoing dental implant surgery.

Dental implants are intended to be a permanent solution to tooth loss. By keeping these tips in mind, you can prevent frustrating and expensive setbacks while wearing them.

About the Practice

Modern Dentistry delivers the best dental health services available to the community of Roswell, GA. Led by Drs. Ashish Kakadia and Mohit Kataria, the staff ensures that each patient receives effective care in a comforting and welcoming environment. Areas of expertise include preventive, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry in addition to dental implant services. For more information, contact the office online or dial (770) 993-6893.

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