Root Canal Treatment: a Safe and Effective Way to Save Your Teeth

June 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — modernroswell @ 2:54 pm

Everyone’s scared of the dentist, but there are times when you have no other option but to go to get your tooth extracted. Hold that thought! Tooth extraction is not the only option you have.

When you have a serious tooth-related infection, there are two options: a root canal or tooth extraction. While tooth extraction is self-explanatory, we are here to shed light on what root canal treatment is.
If you are thinking about getting a root canal treatment in Roswell, consider reading this post.

Defining Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment aims to repair and save infectious teeth instead of completely getting rid of them or removing them. Not everyone likes the idea of getting artificial teeth which is why it is best to get a root canal treatment.

During the procedure, the dentist removes the inflamed pulp. They will clean surfaces inside your tooth and then disinfect it. Once this is complete, the dentist places a filling to seal the space.
Many people prefer this treatment because when a tooth goes bad, you also have the choice of getting rid of the tooth, but then not everyone goes for it for aesthetic reasons.

Who needs a root canal treatment?

When a cavity is left untreated, your affected teeth go bad, and it screams for treatment and immediate attention.
Here are some of the signs that could mean you need to go for an RCT:

  • Your teeth are now sensitive to hot and cold food items.
  • You have pain in your teeth, and it is coming from the infected one.
  • Swollen gums and jaw are scary signs that you desperately need to see a dentist for an RCT.
  • Your tooth is getting loose, and it might feel like the infected one is about to fall off.

All these signs mean something is wrong with your tooth. It is infected and needs immediate attention. There are professional dentists in Roswell who can take care of the situation and offer the best medication and RCT.

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful?

There was a time when root canal treatment was painful, but now dentists have all kinds of tools and mechanisms to reduce the pain and keep the patient comfortable during the procedure.
You can find top dentistry in Roswell for this procedure, but make sure you are doing enough research before selecting a dentist in your area.

Modern Dentistry RoswellTakeaway Thoughts

Dental professionals believe that a root canal is better than a tooth extraction, but it also depends on the current condition of your tooth.

When patients complain of pain and discomfort, they ask the dentist to remove the tooth, but they are not aware of the side effects.

Tooth extraction is a convenient choice, but a root canal helps preserve the natural teeth. The reason is quite simple: it is always best to retain your natural teeth and not go for artificial ones. But once again, only your reliable and knowledgeable dentist can tell you what best suits your situation.
For that, you have to take an appointment for RCT in Roswell.

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